YouLoop for YouTube extension download

YouLoop for YouTube

By cloudcompanion

5/5 (1 ratings)

To sum up, Download the YouLoop for YouTube extension for opera Browser to acquire a new experience browsing the internet. The YouLoop for YouTube extension for opera Browser's latest version 1.1 free download. This extension makes it very easy to watch youtube videos on the internet.



YouLoop for YouTube extension Download for Opera

YouLoop for YouTube extension is released a new extension. Which is available on our website opera extension stores. This is a new extension of repeat video/audio endless on YouTube. Furthermore, a partition loop function is enabled. All that is necessary, is just to open a video on youtube and click the icon in the top right corner.

Firstly, the YouLoop for YouTube extension is an attractive and very useful opera browser add-ons. Installing the YouLoop for YouTube add-on only requires you to visit the dedicated section for the Opera extensions store. Also, YouLoop for YouTube extension latest version 1.1 for opera browser Free Download and install now. Opera browser provides Open source add-ons code for every user.

YouLoop for YouTube extension for opera

However, I have been using Different versions of opera for about 10 years. I can say that its many features. Opera extension is very helpful for customizing and developing every work. Also read: Facebook Messenger extension

YouLoop for YouTube extension download

YouLoop for YouTube extensions Features

Repeat video/audio endless on YouTube. Furthermore a partition loop function is enable. (for HTML5)

All that is necessary, just open a video on youtube and click the icon in the top right corner to open the popup window.
Then the checkbox to enable/disable the loop function and for partition loop can be use.
For the partition loop functionality, an enabled basic loop function is required.

Known issues:
– if the loop is activated, autoplay function of youtube will disabled
– some add-blocker can influence the YouLoop functionality
– the popup icon is not showing correctly (following sizes has been tested: 16×16, 19×19, 32×32 PNG)

If you have any complaints or errors, please contact me and descripe your case.
I will try to solve it in a short period of time. Also if you have suggestions for improvement or ideas to extend this add-on, don’t hesitate to write down some thoughts and send it to me.
Thank you for that!

[email protected]

Wiederholt Video/Audio endlos auf YouTube. Des Weiteren gibt es die Möglichkeit, nur einen bestimmten Ausschnitt endlos zu wiederholen. (für HTML5)

Alles was dafür benötigt wird, ist ein Video auf YouTube aufzurufen und auf das Icon in der oberen, rechte Ecke zu klicken.
Anschließend kann eine Checkbox zur Aktivierung/Deaktivierung der Dauerschleife, sowie für die Wiederholung eines Ausschnitts verwendet werden.
Für die Wiederholung eines Teils eines bestimmten Videos, muss die zugrundeliegende Dauerschleife aktiviert sein.

Bekannte Probleme:
– wenn die Dauerschleife aktiviert ist, wird die Autoplay Funktion von YouTube deaktiviert
– einige Add-Blocker können YouLoop hinsichtlich der Funktionalität beeinflussen
– das Popup Icon wird nicht korrekt angezeigt (folgende Größen wurden getestet: 16×16, 19×19, 32×32 PNG)

Wenn Sie Bescherden oder Fehler jeglicher Art haben, bitte kontaktieren Sie mich und beschreiben Sie mir Ihr Anliegen. Ich werde versuchen das geschilderte Problem zeitnahe zu beheben. Auch wenn Sie bestimmte Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Ideen zur Erweiterung des Add-ons haben, zögern Sie nicht mir Ihre Gedanken mitzuteilen.
Vielen Dank dafür!

[email protected]

In conclusion, It is Normally a Good idea to stick to the Opera Browser extension store. Whenever you have To download and install the extension on the opera add-ons web store. The Opera addons store generally works well. Moreover, The extension is guaranteed to be safe but on the rare occasion, the store may be down, or you’re restricted from using it.


Price: Free

Author Details

Emma Emily


Hello! My name is Emma Emily. I am an engineer and Blogger. I want to share my experience and important points that are needed when starting any Opera extension information

Technical Information

Version: 1.1
File size: 20.2 KB
Language: English (United States)
Copyright: cloudcompanion


5/5 (1 ratings)

  • RaSeLbd


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